Things You Must Know Before Undergoing Tooth Extraction Procedure

A smile strengthens the bond between individuals. You can crack a deal by impressing the clients with your smile. Our teeth make our smile look more attractive. So, it is vital to take care of them. If you do not follow proper oral hygiene, your teeth will undergo decay after some time. Tooth extraction is commonly recommended to those experiencing extreme tooth decay problems. If you are planning to bring back your smile, get Fairfield tooth extraction services. There are myriad of things that you must know before getting your tooth extracted from the dentist :

It is not dangerous: Most of the people have a false notion that it is dangerous and might aggravate dental complications. Dentists at Fairfield CT use anesthesia and modern equipment to make the extraction pain free for the clients. There is nothing more satisfying than getting rid of a decayed tooth and preventing the gums from damage with the help of tooth extraction services.

Preparation: Before commencing the surgical procedure, it is vital to take the X-ray of the decayed tooth so that the procedure can be taken up accordingly. It is better to tell your surgeon about your medical history and medication prescribed to you well in advance. If the infected tooth turns out to be the wisdom tooth, a panoramic X-Ray is required.

Maintain oral hygiene: Ensure that you brush your teeth night before your surgical procedure. You can use mouthwash and saltwater a few hours after the surgical procedure once the bleeding halts. These things must be done at least 2 to 3 times during the day.

Take care of the swelling: You would experience swelling after the surgical procedure is over. Try to apply ice on the infected area to get relief after every 20 minutes. The doctor would advise you to use a warm or moist cotton press rather than ice on the affected area.

Use your smile to transform the world instead of hiding it due to tooth decay issues. Try to describe your situation to a dentist from Fairfield CT as he would come up with the optimum tooth extraction procedure as per your problem. Bring your lost smile and confidence back.


  1. Gum recession is a common problem for people over the age of 40, but it can start as early as the teen years. Genetics, brushing technique, and general oral health all play a part in the onset of receding gums treatment, but there are steps you can take to lower your risk for developing gum recession


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