Do’s and don’ts to follow for tooth extraction

Till the time your child reaches 12 all their baby teeth fall down naturally, and a new set of teeth grows that last for a lifetime. But, often times you need to look for tooth extraction even knowing that they will never be replaced by another tooth. There can be many reasons for having your tooth extracted including mouth injury, tooth decay or crooked teeth.

Dental Procedure in Fairfield

Tooth decay is very common these days, and on your first visit you can seek complete procedure carried out safely. But due to gap or cavity created between two teeth, it is necessary to follow certain do’s and don’ts that can help you keep your teeth healthy. Here you can check out the Do’s and Don’ts:

Generally dentist will recommend you to avoid any activity for at least 24 hours but if they somehow forget then you need to keep this in mind. Rest after extraction will not only help you feel great but avoid unnecessary stress and strain.  

Once tooth extraction is done you need to wait for clot to be formed. Dentist will give you a piece of gauze to bite on near the extraction site. Try to keep it in place for at least an hour afterwards. This will put pressure over the wound and help it to stop bleeding. Make sure you don’t chew on gauze piece. If you can keep it in place longer that’s best, but make sure to change the gauze after roughly every half hour, depending on the amount of bleeding.
You need to avoid smoking for at least 48 hours after tooth extraction. Clot is affected with the drug used at time of smoking and there can be chances of developing dry socket in which blood clot on the tooth extraction site fails to develop.

Tooth Implant Stratford
You need to avoid eating solid food immediately after tooth extraction. As soons as you start feeling your jaws, you can start taking solids. Go for soft and liquid foods like soups, mashed potatoes, yogurts, milkshakes, smoothies etc after extraction. Rinsing is usually advised 12 hours after extraction. So, warm saline rinses help in cleaning and maintaining the hygiene of that area.
If you are looking for dentist for tooth extraction in Fairland, contact Sonick DMD. They have a team of expert dental specialist and oral surgeons. For further details Call: 203.254.2006.


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