The Benefits Of Getting Oral Health DNA Testing

Going to the dentist doesn't have to be such an arduous task anymore! You can't do your taxes in 30
seconds. You can't fix your car in 30 seconds. But with Oral DNA or Mouth DNA Testing? We can give
our patients peace of mind in just 30 seconds! After a short visit with our expert team here at Sonick
DMD. We proudly serve Fairfield, Connecticut residents with Oral health DNA or Mouth Health DNA t
esting, as well as the most up to date practices and techniques available for all dental services.We are
proud to call ourselves the dental experts Western, CT residents trust the most for all of their dental

Oral DNA Or Mouth DNA Testing Can Be Preventative Care...

Oral DNA testing can save you time and money on future dental visits. The dental experts at Sonick
DMD in Fairfield, CT have years of experience dealing with a number of dental issues and procedures.
Oral health DNA or Mouth Health DNA testing is just another way to help make your life a little easier
in the long run. We will help you spend less time at the dentist, and more time enjoying your life. Some
possible issues you could prevent or treat may include:

  • Gum Disease
  • Gingivitis
  • Tooth Decay
and Oral Cancers (although these are rare)

Why Is Oral DNA Testing So Convenient?

Oral DNA testing is one of the quickest and most efficient forms of medical testing in the world. Not only
are most patients able to check-in, get tested, and check-out for an appointment in under 30 minutes
total. Those same patients are also able to get their results back and get a clearer picture of any possible
oral/dental issues they may have going on. Oral DNA testing has two major conveniences going for it
that most patients and doctors point to:

It’s Such A Quick Process. Oral DNA Testing is a simple and easy procedure that takes just 30 seconds
of your time to complete.

It’s A Painless Procedure. Oral DNA testing is a saliva based testing that helps to determine your level
of genetic risk factors for Periodontal disease. After your testing has been completed, we send your Oral
DNA test out to the Oral DNA labs and work with you on the appropriate treatments for care from there.
It's really that easy.

Are You Ready To Get Your Oral DNA Testing Done? Don’t Wait! 
Sonick MD proudly serves Fairfield, Connecticut residents with Oral health DNA or Mouth Health DNA
testing, as well as the most up to date practices and techniques available for all dental services.We are
proud to call ourselves the dental experts Western, CT residents trust the most for all of their dental needs.
Call Us Today at: (203) 254-2006.


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