Do You Need To Visit A Periodontics Expert?

Periodontal disease begins when the toxins start attacking the soft tissue surrounding the teeth. This bacterium stays in the gum and breeds causing bacterial infection. A periodontist who are specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease, will help you get out of the problem caused due to these toxins.

Periodontists are also specialized in the treatment of oral inflammation. They receive broad training in these areas, and three years of education beyond dental school. With experience they get trained in the latest techniques for providing treatment against periodontal disease, and are also trained in treating cosmetic periodontal procedures.

The sign of healthy gums is pink and firm, comfortably fitting around the teeth. If you experience any of the following problem, it’s time to visit a Periodontist:

  • Unexplained bleeding while brushing or in early morning or when eating food.
  • Bad breath even after brushing and use of mouthwash or that persists even when a rigorous oral hygiene.
  • Loose teeth
  • Gangrene in the tissues that may be present in the soft tissues, bone or ligament
  • Teeth appearing longer than before
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Some related conditions like heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis are also highly correlated with periodontal infections.
  • A feeling of tightness or dull pain in gums

Periodontist will give the right treatment to help you maintain healthy gums and prevent return of disease by:

•    Teaching you to perform the right method of brushing
•    Use of proper interdental aid
•    Periodic checkups to see oral hygiene when possible

Periodontal treatments by Fairfield periodontics have become a necessity and require an increased level of expertise by a trained dentist. Many patients nowadays are showing signs of periodontal disease, coupled with more complex cases, will be best managed by a combination of dentist and periodontist.


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